Our application for a research grant was successfully approved by the German Federal Ministry of Finance. The grant money will help with a research and development project of Origem Medical Group, which is about systematizing individual nutrition recommendations against the background of holistic health improvements.
Most diseases are preventable. According to the WHO, 79% of all chronic diseases are diet-related. This means that they are caused by poor nutrition or are at least favored by it. But this also means that they are preventable. Not only the high costs for public health and social insurance systems, but also personal frustration and suffering could be saved if people would eat better, more sensibly, and even healthier.
Many projects exist which provide valuable education in the area of healthy eating, however, they do not seem to work for the vast majority of people: For example, obesity, as a reliable alarm signal for a variety of diseases, continues to affect more and more people. In Germany, over 65% of men are now considered overweight or obese. This prevalence of being overweight or obese has been steadily increasing since the year 2000, especially among young people.
General weight loss formulas and diet promises exist in an excessive variety, but rarely work for the individual in the long term for a large number of reasons.
With this in mind, we are particularly pleased about the tailwind from the research grant from the German Federal Ministry of Finance.